School feeding and human capital development in Armenia

Every day for ten years, thanks to the financial support from the Russian Federation and the RA Government resources, 100,000 school children across Armenia receive daily nutritious meals to help them grow into healthy and productive adults.
“In 2010, the introduction of WFP’s School Feeding programme in our school was a real turning point for children. Eating together at one table gives kids an opportunity for friendly social interaction. I noticed that less children feel sick – some of them used to feel dizzy in the mornings, now there is less of that. Children really enjoy meals as they have healthy and nutritious food every day and the programme helps them to develop good eating habits and solves many social problems, particularly for disadvantaged families” – says Lilit Hovhannisyan, the principal of Myasnikyan School in Armavir.
The Programme has supported children’s food security, their health and education, invested in communities’ development and supported local economic growth with the vision to fully nationalize the programme to make results sustainable for the years to come.