UNHCR and ECHO visit host communities to get familiarized with the humanitarian activities implemented for the refugee families
01 February 2024
UNHCR is grateful to ECHO for their generous contribution and support to the humanitarian response in Armenia.
Recently, officials with technical expertise from the EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) and UNHCR colleagues made a joint visit to a communal center in Dilijan of Tavush province, hosting refugees from Karabakh, to participate in the legal counseling session and focus group discussion organized for them by the lawyers of UNHCR's partner NGO Mission Armenia.
"Face-to-face meetings as such are very important and serve very useful for us. We can receive explicit and reliable information and answers to our questions, particularly related to legal and social issues, and documentation," Irina and refugees were sharing their reflections.
The counseling session went in a genuine atmosphere of trust and collaboration, allowing refugees to share and discuss individual and common concerns and receive reliable information - much needed to take the next step and make decisions.
"Many things have now been clarified for refugees. They can now focus on their pending plans and the way forward for the future of themselves and their children," said Margarita, the manager of the community center, thanking ECHO and UNHCR for the visit and continuous support.
UNHCR is grateful to ECHO - an invaluable donor and partner in refugee emergencies - for their generous contribution enhancing the joint efforts to ensure legal counseling and aid, case management and social support to refugees, their access to information, hotline service, and referrals.
UNHCR is thankful to the Government of Armenia, host communities and the civil society, Migration and Citizenship Service, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Human Rights Defender's Office, Chamber of Advocates, and other partners, for their outstanding collaboration with UNHCR in the work for refugees.
UNHCR and donors continue community outreach to refugees in Armenia to learn about their well-being, to talk about the various social and legal issues they face and understand their evolving needs and concerns.