UNHCR and The International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo Institute) strengthen the capacity of partners engaged in the reduction and prevention of statelessness in Armenia
03 May 2023
Caption: The International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo Institute) is one of UNHCR’s longstanding international partners providing courses on human rights, including refugee law and statelessness, to UNHCR’s partners worldwide.
The International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo Institute) is one of UNHCR’s longstanding international partners.
In the framework of UNHCR’s #IBELONG campaign, a ten-year (2014-2024) global initiative highlighting the importance of eradicating statelessness, UNHCR cooperates with and strengthens the capacity of State partners, legal experts, the civil society and academia engaged in the statelessness. The International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo Institute) is one of UNHCR’s longstanding international partners providing courseson human rights, including refugee law and statelessness, to UNHCR’s partners worldwide.
UNHCR has recently supported the participation of five colleagues from Armenia, representing the Migration and Citizenship Service (MCS), “Mission Armenia” NGO and the Legal Clinic of the Law Faculty of the Yerevan State University (YSU) in the two, Russian and English online Courses on Statelessness of the Department of International Refugee Law and Migration Law of the Sanremo Institute.
Caption: UNHCR has recently supported the participation of five colleagues from Armenia in the two, Russian and English online Courses on Statelessness of the Department of International Refugee Law and Migration Law of the Sanremo Institute.
“It was a well-tailored and constructive educational course where we acquired in-depth knowledge and practical skills. The case studies and following discussions allowed the participants to understand the causes and the circumstances of the occurrence of statelessness and share effective international experience in the prevention, reduction and eradication of statelessness”, said the Head of the Legal Unit of the Passport and Visa Department of the MCS, Ms. Irina Mkrtchyan.
The Courses analyze the international legal framework related to nationality and the development of national legislation governing the rights of stateless persons. They also vividly showcase the causes and negative impacts of the lack of citizenship and explain the interrelation between statelessness and forced displacement, as well as give an overview of stateless populations in different parts of the world.
Caption: The Courses analyze the international legal framework related to nationality and the development of national legislation governing the rights of stateless persons.
Caption: "The theme of statelessness has brought together people from many countries, lawyers and experts eager to know more to help resolve the plight of stateless people”, said Ms. Knarik Vardanyan, the Head of the Legal Clinic of the Law Faculty of the YSU.
“I was really inspired by the Course. The theme of statelessness has brought together people from many countries, lawyers and experts eager to know more to help resolve the plight of stateless people”, said Ms. Knarik Vardanyan, the Head of the Legal Clinic of the Law Faculty of the YSU. “The participants shared their good practices, learned about different mechanisms and practical methods of addressing statelessness in a smooth and effective way. We also acquired lots of interesting updates from UNHCR colleagues who told us about the #IBELONG campaign to end statelessness”, she added.
It is rewarding for the UNHCR Representation in Armenia to know that a group of its partners, along with participants from all around the world, have benefited from the online Courses during March-April 2023. As expressed by the participants, they received crucial knowledge on statelessness and exchanged experiences and best practices in the prevention and reduction of statelessness.