International and national partners shared their contribution to climate action in the country and expressed readiness for further collaboration.
The Ministry of Environment of Armenia and UN Armenia co-hosted a workshop to discuss the outcomes and key follow-up measures of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), which was held from November 6 to November 20, 2022, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
The workshop brought together Government Representatives, Development Partners and UN entities to discuss and coordinate support for the Government of Armenia towards implementation of decisions made at the conference.
Participants exchanged ideas on the results of COP27, decisions taken linked to the identification of national priorities about adaptation and mitigation, as well as requirements to foster implementation of national commitments, and further substantive cooperation.
Caption: Participants exchanged views on the support for the Government of Armenia regarding implementation of conference decisions.
The UN Resident Coordinator a.i. Ms. Christine Weigand noted.
“To better address climate change we need to invest in many different areas, ranging from the economy to public and private finance flows, from new technologies to environmental education and environmental activism. This requires both effective coordination, as well as keeping the concerns of vulnerable groups front and center."
The Deputy Minister of Environment, Ms. Gabrielyan, shared her report on Armenia’s participation at COP27 by underlining the proactive involvement of the Armenian delegation. Particularly in the high-level segment of COP Armenia has also contributed to the work of the Eastern European group and the COP27 negotiations, as well as presented the country's third Biennial Update Report as part of reporting requirements under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Referring to the impact of climate change on countries with different levels of development, Ms Gabrielyan highlighted the establishment of the first ever dedicated “loss and damage” fund, to assist developing countries that are vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.
Caption: Participants discussed the requirements to foster implementation of national commitments, and further substantive cooperation.
Other international and national partners shared their contribution to climate action in the country and expressed readiness for further collaboration and commitments.
Ms Gabrielyan, Deputy Minister of Environment of Armenia expressed appreciation for the level of cooperation with Development Partners and the UN Armenia by emphasizing the importance of scaling up coordination implementation of efforts to combat climate change and its impact in Armenia.
In 2023, a similar discussion will be planned to discuss Armenia’s roadmap for addressing climate change impacts.