WFP showcased the investments made over the years that promote the local economy, improve health, and contribute to the food security of the population.
This week, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Armenia had the pleasure of receiving representatives of the Iraqi Government who received a thorough briefing on the National School Feeding programme in Armenia, its operational aspects, and impacts made throughout the years thanks to the successful partnerships with different stakeholders.
The Iraqi delegation led by the Deputy Minister for Education, responsible for technical affairs, Mr. Hussein Sabri Hamad Al-Lami and representatives from the Iraq School Feeding Supreme Committee met the WFP Deputy Country Director in Armenia Nanna Skau to discuss the School Feeding programme in both countries and essential efforts to ensure its sustainability and resilience during emergencies.
Armenia has extensive experience in School Feeding as a platform for community development and a crucial component of Armenia's vision for food security, education, and nutrition.
The Deputy Minister and representatives of the Iraqi Government and WFP colleagues in Iraq Country Office, under the leadership of Deputy Country Director in Iraq Ms. Ekram Elhuni, toured different provinces of Armenia as part of the South-South Triangular Cooperation.
Caption: The WFP team and the Iraqi Government delegation met the Deputy Governor of Tavush Narek Ghushchyan to discuss topics related to private investments in the "Wholegrain Wheat Value Chain" project and School Feeding programme.
The WFP team and the Iraqi Government delegation met communities and people benefiting of the school feeding programme. During the tour, WFP showcased the investments made over the years that ensure the sustainability of the programme, promote the local economy, improve health, and contribute to the food security of the population.
The delegation also met the Deputy Governor of Tavush Narek Ghushchyan to discuss topics related to private investments in the "Wholegrain Wheat Value Chain" project and School Feeding programme.
In Tavush, the Iraqi delegation had the opportunity to also see the wholegrain mill that WFP established and equipped with a solar station. Thanks to WFP’s support and interventions, now some 7,100 schoolchildren from 75 schools in Tavush replaced white wheat bread products with wholegrain bread as a more nutritious and healthier food choice.
The parties emphasized the importance of WFP projects in the development of communities and changing the quality of people's lives.