Montreal Protocol in the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030
12 August 2022
Caption: The speakers presented the United Nations as an institute for international cooperation, harmonization of actions and problem solving, the objective and thematic areas of activities of UNIDO, sustainable development goals and the protection of the ozone layer in their context.
At the meeting a special reference was made to the role of young people as the driving force of society.
The "Montreal Protocol in the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030" round table-discussion took place at the meeting hall of the UN Entities in Armenia on August 12, 2022, marking the International Youth Day. The event was organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia under the "Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building" project jointly implemented with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
Ms. Gayane Gabrielyan, the Deputy Minister of the Environment of the RA, Ms. Anahit Simonyan, UNIDO representative in Armenia, and Ms. Denis Sumpf, Head of UN Resident Coordinator Office welcomed the students of «Refrigeration Economy» faculty of three regional colleges: Yerevan Regional State College No.2 named after N.Achemyan, Armavir Regional State College and Ararat Regional State College.
Caption: Participants are listening carefully to the speakers.
The speakers presented the United Nations as an institute for international cooperation, harmonization of actions and problem solving, the objective and thematic areas of activities of UNIDO, sustainable development goals and the protection of the ozone layer in their context. Ms. Denise Sumpf ensured interactive contact with the students by concluding her speech with a live and interactive quiz.
At the meeting a special reference was made to the role of young people as the driving force of society, urging them not to remain aloof from international steps aimed at achieving sustainable development goals.
Caption: The participants and the organizers of the round table-discussion.
The representatives expressed hope that the professional guidance and technical support from their side and their sector partners are yielding the expected results and will continue to do so in future, and also wished the future professionals more confidence in their own abilities, creativity, independence and public thinking.
Written by
National Ozone Unit of Armenia
UN entities involved in this initiative
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
United Nations Industrial Development Organization