The platform, created with UNDP's support, allows online registration and examination of labour rights’ violations.
An innovative informational platform was presented on December 22, 2020, which aims to strengthen the system of the protection of labour rights in Armenia.
Easy to navigate, the platform allows online registration, acceptance, and examination of applications on violations of the rights of employees, which are then processed by the Health and Labour Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia. The platform supports evidence-based implementation of the reforms in the labour rights’ protection sector based on the information generated from complaints of labour rights violations of the employees. It also provides space for awareness raising on the rights of employees and the latest updates in the sector of labour rights’ protection.
Caption: The presentation of the platform.
The platform will be piloted for the next three months and improved based on the user feedback and operational efficiency. In parallel, a replicated model will be applied to mobile apps for IOS and Android systems.
Caption: Presentation of the platform.
The platform was designed with the initiative of the Health and Labour Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia in partnership with the Armenian Lawyer’s Association and support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This initiative was realized in the framework of the “COVID-19 and Resilience in Armenia: Mitigating the Socio-Economic Impact on Vulnerable People and Communities” Project funded by the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, and was designed as a response to numerous cases of job losses or labour rights violations during the pandemic. This joint programme is possible thanks to the contributions to the UN Response and Recovery Fund by the governments of Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Republic of Korea, Finland, New Zealand, Croatia, Iceland, Thailand, Slovak Republic and Cambodia.
Caption: Participants of the launch of the platform.