Based on the knowledge and guidance received, the youth will generate ideas – initiatives and actions towards climate change mitigation in their communities.
On June 5 and 7, within the UNDP implemented #EU4Climate (EU funded) project and the “Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development” (Sida-funded) project, the sessions of “Alaverdi towards Clean Energy Transition” youth awareness campaign” were held online for Alaverdi community youth.
The campaign is aimed raising awareness of around 50 youth (aged 15-21) on climate change, global and local efforts on reducing man-made impact on the atmosphere, particularly how we produce and use energy and advancement of renewable energy.
Caption: The youth will develop ideas and initiatives to mitigate climate change in their communities based on the knowledge, information, and guidance they received.
The first online meeting was dedicated to the fundamentals of climate change, energy sector, in particular to energy efficiency, the main sources of GHG emissions.
The second meeting was dedicated to the concept of ecological cities, in particular to retrofits of energy efficient buildings and street lighting, innovative solutions in renewable energy and “Smart” house system modelling.
Caption: The campaign is aimed raising awareness of youth on climate change, global and local efforts on reducing man-made impact on the atmosphere.
Based on the knowledge, information sources and guidance received, the youth will generate ideas – initiatives and actions towards climate change mitigation in their communities.
With the ideas they will compete within “My Green Alaverdi” idea competition presenting their ideas (initiatives and actions) bringing their own solutions for greener and sustainable development of their communities.
The “Alaverdi towards Clean Energy Transition” awareness raising campaign and “My Green Alaverdi” idea competition is organized within EU Sustainable Energy Week (June 20-22).
Written by
Ofelya Sukiasyan
Communications and Public Outreach Assistant, “EU4Climate” EU-UNDP project