Coca-Cola Foundation partners with UNDP to fight COVID-19 in Armenia
21 June 2020
Caption: UNDP in Armenia, in partnership with Coca-Cola company, provided necessary X-ray and ultrasound medical equipment to local medical institutions to fight COVID-19.
UNDP and Coca-Cola provide necessary X-ray and ultrasound medical equipment to local medical institutions.
COVID-19 pandemic is not only a massive health crisis, but it is also a humanitarian and development crisis, the solution of which requires mobilization of resources and opportunities worldwide. Now, more than ever, the support of organizations and individuals in response to the challenge in the right manner becomes important.
The Coca-Cola Foundation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) provide global and local solutions to improve the situation. Based on the list of necessary medical equipment provided by the Government of Armenia, the Coca-Cola Foundation jointly with UNDP provided X-ray and ultrasound medical equipment to local medical institutions. All the equipment being portable and including innovative software systems, will facilitate the process of medical intervention anywhere needed.
Caption: All equipment is portable and includes innovative software systems that facilitate the process of medical intervention.
The Coca-Cola Foundation has donated 120 million dollars to fight against the pandemic globally, a part of which was allocated to Armenia for purchasing essential medical equipment. In addition, the Coca-Cola company ceases its advertising activities, and in cooperation with RA Ministry of Health will donate bottled water to healthcare workers and infected people of “Nork” infectious clinical hospital till the end of pandemic.
It is the unity of companies, organizations and individuals that will become the victory of the effective fight against the pandemic. Therefore, any support is vital now, and the consolidation of efforts is more than necessary.
“COVID-19 is as much a health and development emergency as it is a human security crisis. In order to deliver on its mission of eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities and building resilience to crisis and shocks, UNDP through various projects supports Armenia to urgently and effectively respond to COVID-19. In a long-term, collaboration with the private sector and our investments in innovative solutions will be critical to prevent and better manage such crises,” said Dmitry Mariyasin, UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia.
“We consider it our duty to stand alongside and support our communities in difficult times. We have a history of successful cooperation with UNDP on other philanthropic projects in Armenia and we are delighted to be cooperating with them again on this donation. We hope that this vital equipment will help to save lives. We express our infinite gratitude to the healthcare professionals who are on the front line. We do believe that soon the situation will get better and the values we are displaying of solidarity, agility, caring for our people and communities will continue to endure,” said Arthur Sahakyan, the General Manager of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia.